Uncovering Challenges of Solving the Continuous Gromov-Wasserstein Problem


A common challenge in aggregating data from multiple sources can be formalized as an Optimal Transport (OT) barycenter problem, which seeks to compute the average of probability distributions with respect to OT discrepancies. However, the presence of outliers and noise in the data measures can significantly hinder the performance of traditional statistical methods for estimating OT barycenters. To address this issue, we propose a novel, scalable approach for estimating the robust continuous barycenter, leveraging the dual formulation of the (semi-)unbalanced OT problem. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first attempt to develop an algorithm for robust barycenters under the continuous distribution setup. Our method is framed as a min-max optimization problem and is adaptable to general cost function. We rigorously establish the theoretical underpinnings of the proposed method and demonstrate its robustness to outliers and class imbalance through a number of illustrative experiments.

A pre-print
Alexander Korotin
Alexander Korotin
Assistant professor,
senior research scientist

My research interests include generative modeling, unpaired learning, optimal transport and Schrodinger bridges.